Saturday, September 17, 2011

Help me Help You

Bap's Daily Post for Saturday Sept. 17th, 2011

Song of the Day:
Around the World- Daft Punk

Quote of the Day:
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."-Aldous Huxley

Bonus Song

Raise Your Weapon- deadmau5

Gaming Goodness

Gun Porn

Random Thoughts
I really want to do a random thought everyday but I have no clue what to write about. Leave some suggestions for me so I what you want to read about.
Also today's question is Do you want a Zombie apocalypse Why or Why Not?

Hotness of the Day 


  1. beast song! daft punk ftw and no alien invasion ftw... A zombie Apocalypse would be lame, at least with an alien invasion there's a chance of peace lol and awesome alien bitches and drugs :P

  2. Like I told you on facebook and stumble upon just write about what you post

  3. The reason I like the thought of a Zombie Apocalypse is the fact that it would be like hitting a scary reset switch on the whole world, I also like the thought of fighting to survive and being able to run down the street with a gun.
