Monday, September 12, 2011

Audioslave, Tyler Durden, RATM, Dinosaurs, Skyrim and Emma Stone

Bap's Daily Post for Monday Sept. 12th, 2011

Song of the Day:
Cochise- Audioslave

Quote of the Day:
 Only after disaster can we be resurrected. -Tyler Durden

Bonus Song 
Calm Like a Bomb- Rage Against the Machine

Random Thoughts
We know dinosaurs are real but it makes no mention of 20 foot tall monstrous carnivore's in any biblical document. So did humans live during the same time as dinosaurs? If there were no humans when there were dinosaurs doesn't that automatically support the 4.54 Billion year old Earth theory. Because Genesis 1:26-31 says that humans came at the same time as animals. But if the dinosaurs died millions of years before the men that wrote those ancient documents they would have had no idea they even existed. In fact humans did not officially begin recognizing dinosaurs until 1841. So what is your opinion on the subject ?

Gaming Goodness

Hotness of the Day 


  1. the Bible i personally think is just people writing down things they see in visions, through psychedelics or meditating,ect of shit that could have happened in the past that go's along with things mentioned in even older texts such as the Sumerian texts, the destroying of Sumer and Arcadia being compared to Sodum and Gomorrah. oh and here's some evidence of humans existing with dinosaurs. it's crazy what the ancient worlds left behind that modern archeology doesn't even consider.

  2. Your hotness of the day warrants a thumbs-up!

    BTW, this is definitely my favorite Audioslave song. w00tash! =oD

    Oh.. And you need to follow my blogs, mofo. The blogosphere is about give and take, y0. Stop being greedy. Bwahaha!

    Mmmmmm... Skyrim. =o]
